Our Story
Aromaflex Academy has been successfully training International and New Zealand students for over 20 years.
Starting from humble beginnings in Nelson, New Zealand, Shelley decided to teach Aromatherapy and Reflexology courses as there became a demand for professional qualifications in this particular sector of Complementary Medicine. Over the years accreditation with IFPA and ITEC was gained thus giving a level of quality assurance for students.
There has been years where Shelley worked with NZQA in the Targeted Review of Qualifications for the Complementary Medicine Sector and held education roles in the Aromatherapy and Reflexology governing bodies in New Zealand, assisting in standard setting of Aromatherapy and Reflexology qualifications, which are still in use today. Shelley still holds her education role in the NZ Aromatherapy Association - NZROHA.
Shelley's qualifications are extensive including an adult Diploma in Tertiary Teaching and post graduate qualifications in Aromatherapy and Reflexology, thus building upon her previous qualifications gained in the UK some 30 years ago.
As the Complementary Medicine Industry has grown and changed, and as students graduated into professionals (who some now teach both in NZ and overseas), it has been warming to see the Industry become more respected and sought after especially in Aromatherapy and Reflexology.
All our courses were originally typed and collated by Shelley, (her first job was as a typesetter, typing stories into the newspaper - the Waikato Times). The course material was sent to the UK for moderation, to ensure content was in-line with International standards and for eventual accreditation. Now, over the last three years, a new learning platform has been developed to work alongside blended learning, or for those students wanting to learn only on-line. Be assured, Shelley is still passionate about these subjects and continues to be part of a growing industry which includes embracing technology and using the various ways information is presented to students.